Day 4: Creating azure container registry using azure cli

Below is the method to create a new azure container registry and i will use Azure cli to do that

Below is the method to create a new Azure container registry and i will do that using Azure Cli So what i will do is

  • Login to Azure
  • Create a resource group
  • Create Azure Container Registry
  • Verify from Azure portal

I will start by defining some variables that i will be using with my Powershell

$subscriptionid = 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID'

$aksClusterResourceGroup = 'CLUSTER_RESOURCE_GROUP'

$resourceGroupLocation = 'RESOURCE_GROUP_LOCATION'


$Sku = 'basic'


First I will login to azure and switch to the right subscription

  • az login
  • az account set --subscription $subscriptionid
  • az account show --output table

Then I will create the resource group in which my AKS cluster will be deployed.

az group create --location $resourceGroupLocation --name $aksClusterResourceGroup

Now we will create the Azure container registry

az acr create `
--name $acrName `
--resource-group $aksClusterResourceGroup `
--sku $sku `
--location $resourceGroupLocation

Let’s verify the registry using the CLI

az acr list --output table

Finally, we will go to Azure portal and see if the registry is created or not

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