Custom Tab renderer for Syncfusion TabControlAdv

First you need to create a new class that should inherit any existing TabRenderer. For this example i am taking Metro renderer. So the code is written below


public class TabRender : TabRendererMetro
public new static string TabStyleName
get { return "TabRender"; }

static TabRender()
TabRendererFactory.RegisterTabType(TabStyleName, typeof (TabRender), TabPanelPropertyExtender);

public TabRender(ITabControl parent, ITabPanelRenderer panelRenderer)
: base(parent, panelRenderer)

protected override void DrawBackground(DrawTabEventArgs drawItemInfo)
Brush BackBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.DarkGray);
var tab = ((TabControlAdv) TabControl).TabPages[drawItemInfo.Index];
var bgColor = Color.FromArgb(199, 216, 237);
if (tab.Name == "Pinned")
bgColor = Color.Red;
if ((drawItemInfo.State & DrawItemState.Selected) > 0)
bgColor = Color.FromArgb(210, 238, 229);
Brush pinnedBrush = new SolidBrush(bgColor);
drawItemInfo.Graphics.FillRectangle(pinnedBrush, drawItemInfo.Bounds);
if ((drawItemInfo.State & DrawItemState.Selected) > 0)
drawItemInfo.Graphics.FillRectangle(BackBrush, drawItemInfo.Bounds);
Brush whiteBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
drawItemInfo.Graphics.FillRectangle(whiteBrush, drawItemInfo.Bounds);



So this line is used to register the new class as Renderer

TabRendererFactory.RegisterTabType(TabStyleName, typeof (TabRender), TabPanelPropertyExtender);

After that all you have to do is assign this via the properties of the tab or by using the designer file.

this.tabControl.TabStyle = typeof(CheckSynfusion.TabRender);